Qmineral wins the "World Cup" for mineralogy !

22 October 2020

Earlier this week the prestigious Reynolds Cup was awarded to Qmineral from Leuven, Belgium. The prize goes to the mineralogy lab that is able to analyse three mineral mixtures in the most accurate way.

76 laboratories (including several universities) from more than 20 countries took part in this 'World Cup of Quantitative Mineralogy'. This is the second time in a row that Qmineral has won the trophy.

"It is, of course, a great honour for us to win this prize again. But above all it shows the high quality research of our staff", says Gilles Mertens, CEO of Qmineral.

Join our webinar on November 26th, and learn why accurate results are essential for your business.

Why the Reynolds Cup?

When some key players in the oil and gas industry noticed that there were major differences in the analysis of samples they sent to geological analysis laboratories, they decided to organise a competition that paid attention to the quality of the research.

Participating laboratories are sent three composite samples and have to submit them to a quantitative mineral analysis. The lab that can best determine the initial composition wins the cup, which has been awarded since 2000 by the Clay Minerals Society. Through X-ray diffraction (XRD) and other techniques detailed information about the structure, composition, and physical properties of materials is then provided.

Although the competition was originally organized by the oil and gas industry, quantitative mineral analysis is an essential component for many sectors.

Especially in the mining, the raw materials sector and the health and safety sector we see an exponentially growing attention for this field today.

Winning this award for the second time in a row proves again that Qmineral provides both accurate and consistent quantitative mineralogical data of your samples, without any compromise. In this edition, we achieved a bias of less than 0.3wt.% (average) on the quantification of the non-clay minerals and 2.1% (average) on the quantification of the clays.

The winning lab is invited to organize the next edition of the competition. Qmineral is thus already looking forward to facilitate the Reynolds Cup in 2022.

Join our webinar

Gilles Mertens: "Once again, we see great differences in the quality of the analysis among the participants. Because more or less the same measuring equipment is used worldwide, the difference lies in the analytical ability of the researchers and in the preparation of the samples. 

As a service provider, we also would like to share our expertise with you. During a 30 minutes free webinar you will learn how quantitative mineralogy supports your business processes and why accurate results are essential for you. The webinar will take place on November 26th, 2 PM C.E.T.

Participation is free of charge but we kindly ask you to register here! If you would like to get more information about this event, the Reynolds Cup or our analytical services, please feel free to contact us.

More information and contact:

Gilles Mertens, CEO, gmertens@qmineral.com or 0476 82 70 73

Rieko Adriaens, CSO, radriaens@qmineral.com or 0485 18 79 34